Well, sort of. As you know, Cheryl is an avid and insatiable collector. That lifelong hobby was sparked, in large part, by the Curio Cabinet in her great-grandmother’s house. Cheryl would sit for hours in front of that cabinet, peering at all the unique trinkets within, including what are commonly referred to as Sailor’s Valentines (although most technically aren’t) – unique vintage tourist-trade treasures crafted by hand using seashells and cardboard and found items. Some are boxes, some are pin cushions, and some are picture frames with tintype photographs. For decades, Cheryl has collected these one-of-a-kind creations and now she is sharing them with y’all! It’s important to note that these are extremely delicate pieces, none are in entirely mint condition, but they each have their own authentic character from age and ethnographic use which only adds to their unique beauty.